My mother always told me to major in computer science when I got to college. “There are tons of jobs, and you already know more than most of the IT people out there.” Great advice fallen on deaf ears, mother always knows best, fill in your favorite idiom. But Mother was right, computers and technology have always been my passion. Why would I NOT follow something I already loved?
I think by the time I had arrived at college I was ready to do something besides computers. I started taking apart computers and playing the part of Dr. Frankenstein when I was 10 or 11 years old. A piece from here, a piece from there, hit the switch, IT’S ALIVE! I even created short programs to launch games, or perform mundane tasks for me. I had taken a few computer classes in middle school, high school, and even freshman year of college. It never grabbed my interest as much as when it was just a hobby. The classes seemed to drag on. They felt like a typing class with html tags in the place of silly sentences.
I ended up working in IT anyways, but it was an uphill battle, and I still lack the full set of tools I could have had at the ripe age of 22. Which brings us to here and now! I had dabbled in coding as a hobby, doing free online exercises, even paying for a subscription to try and learn on my own time. Life always seemed to get in the way, as it always does, and I had a hard time keeping up with my own arbitrary training schedule I had created. I wanted to learn to code, I wanted to expand my range of skills, but I could not get there as quickly as I wanted on my own.
Enter Tech Talent South! If you had told me 6 weeks ago that I would know everything I know now, or be able to do what I can already do with code, I never would have believed you. Going from extreme basics, to building websites, and web applications has been a blur. At times my head has been spinning, at others I am extremely frustrated, but I can’t wait to get back to class and do more. The instructors have been great, and extremely helpful. They are able to throw me a lifeline when I just can’t figure something out. I am well on my way to having all the tools I want to grow my career, and the future is looking bright!