Hello, my name is Chanel and I am now a TTS Graduate! Today we presented our final projects and reminisced on how much we have transformed throughout these past eight weeks of the Code Immersion Program.
Before taking this class, I had just recently been introduced to coding and the opportunities there are for developers. I kept reading stories about people who had no previous experience, took a class, and are now working as developers. So, I thought why not me?
Like most, I researched different coding classes in my area and chose to apply to Tech Talent South because of their great reviews. Several sites suggested them and their student reviews peaked my interest. I knew I made the right decision starting with my intro conversation with Zack, Tech Talent South’s Chief Technology Officer. He understood that I had very little knowledge of coding and he was happy to answer any and every question I had.
Being a somewhat recent graduate helped me get back into school mode with ease, but this course was every bit of the exciting rollercoaster we were told it would be. Some weeks I felt like a coding genius and other weeks I wasn’t sure what I had gotten myself into. I mostly struggled with not grasping the concepts right away but in return I have grown to love the art of problem solving. You think you enjoy finding solutions until you have to rewrite your code again and again and again.
The small diverse class was ideal for me and our teacher Aaron was so helpful. He walked us through all of our questions in and out of the classroom. Also, the Atlanta team of Mandy and Katie has been super supportive. They provide an endless supply of opportunities and ways to have fun while going through the class. These past eight weeks have flown by, but I have gained so much knowledge and am grateful for this experience.